Format: 1L
How to use:
Use this product anytime weeds are actively growing. Wet the foliage using short bursts of spray. Avoid over-applying to the point of runoff. Do not apply to drought-stressed grass or newly seeded lawns. Do not apply in very hot (over 30ºC) or rainy weather, or if rainfall is forecast within the next 2 to 4 hours. Do not water for 2 hours after application. For hard to kill weeds, re-apply after 4 to 6 weeks.
Where to use:
Can be directly applied to small patches and individual broadleaf weeds as a spot treatment.
Effective against: Dandelion and plantain (broadleaf and narrow-leaved) and ragweed and top growth control of fall hawkbit, hawkweed, orange hawkeed, cinquefoil, white clover and black medic in turf.
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